No, no me refiero al espacio infantil de RCTV. Me refiero a ese momento tan rico de cuando éramos chamos, por ahí a golpe de 3 o 4 de la tarde, en que nos sentábamos a merendar.
En mi casa cuando éramos chiquitas siempre había galletas o gelatina o flan o torta, pero mi merienda favorita eran galletas saladas (de esas que vienen en una lata) con leche condensada. Es la combinación perfecta porque el salado de las galletas compensa lo dulcísimo de la leche condensada y no te empalagas.
Y pensar que la merienda que me recomendó el nutricionista es: tiras de zanahoria, una fruta o un yogurt...
Pero el domingo pasado me olvidé de dietas y me fui al kiosko que está cerca de mi edificio y me compré una lata de leche condensada y un paquete de galletas. Me senté en mi camita y merendé como hace muchos años no lo hacía. Uno no debería abandonar ciertas costumbres, pero el metabolismo ya no es el mismo y si todas las tardes merendara así, vendría a trabajar rodando...tiene cierta razón el nutricionista >:-
Bueno, igual disfruté mi merienda, aunque ahora tenga que comer lechuga el resto de la semana para compensar...y corroboré que ciertos gustos no cambian con el tiempo: las galletas saladas con leche condensada siguen siendo mis favoritas.
Y a ti? Qué te gustaría merendar?
En mi casa cuando éramos chiquitas siempre había galletas o gelatina o flan o torta, pero mi merienda favorita eran galletas saladas (de esas que vienen en una lata) con leche condensada. Es la combinación perfecta porque el salado de las galletas compensa lo dulcísimo de la leche condensada y no te empalagas.
Y pensar que la merienda que me recomendó el nutricionista es: tiras de zanahoria, una fruta o un yogurt...
Pero el domingo pasado me olvidé de dietas y me fui al kiosko que está cerca de mi edificio y me compré una lata de leche condensada y un paquete de galletas. Me senté en mi camita y merendé como hace muchos años no lo hacía. Uno no debería abandonar ciertas costumbres, pero el metabolismo ya no es el mismo y si todas las tardes merendara así, vendría a trabajar rodando...tiene cierta razón el nutricionista >:-
Bueno, igual disfruté mi merienda, aunque ahora tenga que comer lechuga el resto de la semana para compensar...y corroboré que ciertos gustos no cambian con el tiempo: las galletas saladas con leche condensada siguen siendo mis favoritas.
Y a ti? Qué te gustaría merendar?
yo me muero por una acemita con mantequilla y una taza de cafe con leche para la merienda :S
pd. gracias por pasar por mi blog :D voy a tomar en cuenta tu sugerencia de mi alto pana Edgar Alan Poe :)
maria caraota, at octubre 20, 2005 3:30 p. m.
Tampoco es que mi niñez esté tan lejana. Pero te paso mis recetas, cópialas, que nunca se sabe. (y disculpa que no sepa decir recetas cantando)
-Café con leche y galletas maría. (puedes hacer trampa echándole una cucharada de toddy).
-Pan tostado con mermelada y café con leche achocolatado.
-Agarras un pan, lo abres, adentro le metes platanitos y papas fritas, un poco de salsa de tomate, lo aprietas bien y a comer.
-Serán cosas de mi casa, pero había pasitas o aceitunas negras: cualquiera de las dos es un vicio para la merienda.
-También los pistachos.
-Limonada. No sé por qué siempre me ha gustado tanto prepararme jugos. Y cuando se es chamo, lo más sencillo es la limonada.
el resto te los debo
Anónimo, at octubre 20, 2005 5:46 p. m.
maria caraota: Esa era la merienda que le gustaba a mi mamá jajajaja
Te estaré visitando...
luiscarlos: las galletas maria son muuuuy buenas, un vicio como dices tú. Las aceitunas no me gustan mucho pero los pistachos si! Y el merey ni se diga! Gracias por pasar por aquí y no se preocupe por el canto, el cariño es el mismo ;-)
Dímelo, at octubre 21, 2005 8:45 a. m.
Cuando estaba chiquita mi mamá al salir del trabajo nos compraba ( a mi y a mi hermana) una bolsita de pin pong y una de maní... super rico.
Y de cosas saladas, en la casa siempre había aceitunas y les cuento que hasta me tomaba el juguito... que loco no...??!
Y el toronto es impelable
Guayoyo, at octubre 21, 2005 12:04 p. m.
juajuajuajuajua ME HE REIDO MUCHOO!!! siii, a mi también me encanta merendar con galletas y leche condensada, y no te quiero contar los ponquecitos redondos once-once, con un vaso de leche fria son DELICIOSOS!!!!
Phases Moon, at octubre 21, 2005 3:01 p. m.
guayoyo: los torontos me encantan, son riquísimos, pero duran muy poquito jejeje. Los ping pong me recuerdan a los bolero y ambos son muuuuy buenos. Gracias por venir!
Phases: los ponquecitos y los que llamábamos twinkies!!! deliciosos...
Dímelo, at octubre 21, 2005 4:24 p. m.
si los twinkies!!! todavía salen, y me encantan los de fresa, aunque traen menos relleno....sacaron uno equivalente llamado Pinguinitos, ESO ES ADICTIVO
Phases Moon, at octubre 24, 2005 11:29 a. m.
Pues los pingüinitos son algo que realmente extraño...Justamente hace días fue el cumpleaños de un compañero de aquí y una amiga venezolana le regaló un tubito de nucita...El chamo lo vió con cara de "y esto que será..??" y mi cara debe haber sido algo como la que ponía Gollum cuando veía el famoso anillo...Cuando el chamo vió la cara que puse como que se dió cuenta de que o lo escondía o se lo arrancaba de la mano!!!
Lo bueno fue que lo abrío allí mismo y me dió un poquito...!!! Hacía por lo menos más de un año que no probaba una nucita...
Pero lo que más extraño son las sambas de fresa y las susy...ese tipo de cosas deberían internacionalizarlas!!!!
Anónimo, at octubre 25, 2005 3:16 a. m.
Phases: Los pinguinos con un buen vaso de leche fría!! Mundiales!!
Carbon girl: Las susy son muuuuy buenas, yo me las como separando las capitas para que duren más jejeje
Dímelo, at octubre 25, 2005 11:46 a. m.
Definitivamente mi merienda son las Marilu con leche.. y, un cuento perdido de la Dra. Guayoyo: ella comia aceitunas con galletas Maria..
Que vivan las galletas Maria!
Ají Dulce, at noviembre 01, 2005 2:20 p. m.
humm, galletas maría con aceitunas? eso sí que no lo había oído...Tengo un pana que las desmenuza dentro del cafe con leche (las galletas, no las aceitunas)y le queda una especie de papilla más güeeeeena...Pero en fin, cada quien con su gusto.
Gracias por venir!!
Dímelo, at noviembre 01, 2005 3:52 p. m.
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Anónimo, at febrero 06, 2010 1:18 a. m.
Greeting for the day!!
I am new to this site. I found loads of useful information here. Please accept my little contribution towards community. I would like to share some [url=]quick weight loss tips[/url]. If you need to know how to lose 10 lb in a calendar week, you are probably not looking for a standard dieting and exercise plan. You can lose weight with a basic diet and workout plan, Still this takes a lot of time doing utmost cardio works out and sticking with a strict diet. Here I will outline the perfect steps that I took to lose 10 pounds in just a workweek.
1. Stay away from all deep-fried foods for the week
2. Drink an 8oz glass of Citrus paradisi with breakfast each day. (this speeds up your metabolism)
3. Take reasonable portions (stop taking when you are full)
4. Instead of consuming 3 huge a meals a day, take 5-6 small meals to keep your metabolism up and keep your body burning fat.
5. Aviod your habbit of eating after 9 P.M.. Its good to eat before 9 P.M. so that our body gets proper time to burn calories before sleep.
6. Have a proper sleep everyday. Not taking enough sleep causes been proven to be a major element to the body putting up excess fat.
7. Use a body/colon clean for the 7 days. This will get rid of unneeded weight stored around the stomach area as well as cleanse your body of harmfull pollutants that cause you store fat and feel tired. Flush away excess pounds around the stomach area that otherwise would be hard to lose.
8. I suggest you using Acai Berry Diet Pills. This one is tested to work, and you can get a free trial.
9. For those mens/womens who desire to burn fat quickly, avoid alcoholic beverage.
10[url=].[/url] A low GI diet is an outstanding method of loosing fat quickly.
Anónimo, at febrero 06, 2010 9:27 p. m.
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Anónimo, at febrero 12, 2010 7:20 a. m.
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Anónimo, at febrero 18, 2010 1:42 p. m.
[url=]Adidas Forum[/url]
Now here's a shoe-in for the list of the year's best gaming-related clothing : Adidas has brought back its ZX five hundred running shoe, and, since it originally comes from the '80s, the gaming galvanized design and coloring is an easy choice ... Right? The kicks won't be the coolest part of the deal, either ; they come packed with a combo bracelet/USB flashdrive containing ZX Runner, a software game based on ... The shoe itself.
GameCulture writes that the game stars a personality named'DJ Zed' who, according to Adidas, has five minutes to'run, moon-walk, climb walls, avoid some dodgy-looking bullies, collect power-ups, and pull off mad rooftop-to-rooftop stunts' to get on-stage before his set starts. It appears to be fittingly retro -- see for yourself in the video we've included after the breakdance.
More info
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Anónimo, at febrero 19, 2010 2:15 p. m.
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Anónimo, at febrero 25, 2010 3:00 p. m.
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Anónimo, at abril 12, 2010 7:39 p. m.
I just wanted to say hi
See you
Anónimo, at abril 19, 2010 6:09 p. m.
Long time lurker, thought I would say hello! I really dont post much but thanks for the good times I have here. Love this place..
Anónimo, at abril 20, 2010 4:08 p. m.
Hi everybody,
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For all you ska folks out there I recommend The Enough Fanzine. It is one of the first hardcore zines on the web.
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Anónimo, at mayo 24, 2010 3:56 a. m.
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Despite all the cries of gloom and doom that have been ongoing since the unfortunate decision in the fifties to reject television's offer to broadcast horse racing nationally, the sport has continued to grow. Second only to baseball in overall popularity, horse racing enjoyed 11 straight years of increasing handle (total amount of pooled wagers) before this bemoaned 0.5% decrease. According to Mr. Finley, "an ominous sign of things to come."
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In the United States, races can occur on flat surfaces of either dirt or grass, generally for thoroughbred racing. Other tracks offer quarter horse racing]] and harness racing. The best events in US horse racing have been Kentucky Derby, which, together with the Preakness Stakes and the Belmont Stakes, form the Triple Crown for three-year-olds. However, in recent years the Breeders' Cup races, held at the end of the year, have been challenging the Triple Crown events, held early in.
Some of horse racing's most legendary names failed to capture this event. Man o' War managed only 2 out of the 3 legs (did not start in the Kentucky Derby); Seabiscuit, after losing 17 straight races as a two year old wasn't even considered (although he did later beat 1937's Triple Crown winner, War Admiral in a match race); Cigar never competed, starting his great winning streak late in his fourth year.
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As the field takes shape for the 131st running of the Preakness Stakes this Saturday, the question on everyone's minds is do we finally have a horse that can win the Triple Crown?
Anónimo, at junio 02, 2010 11:48 p. m.
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Anónimo, at junio 09, 2010 6:42 p. m.
That just about wraps it up. My collection of the very best centre forwards to kick a ball for Manchester Utd before Ferguson's days. Are you wondering why I decided to only include pre-Ferguson players in this list? Actually it's simply because I feel the forwards that have been at Utd during Alex Ferguson's lengthy leadership in charge of United require a write up all to themselves. Sir Alex Ferguson hasn't been short of forwards to chose from. There is a good chance this wont be my last word on the issue. A piece on the strikers who played for Alex may be on the cards. [url=]manchester united[/url] Manchester United was established in 1878 as the Newton Heath Football Club, which served as the works team of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway depot. The club nearly went bankrupt in 1902 but was saved by J.H. Davies who subsequently re-named the team as Manchester United. During World War II, the Old Trafford Football Ground was severely bombed, leaving United without a stadium. They had to seek the assistance of their then more illustrious neighbours, Manchester City, and both teams shared Maine Road as their home stadium for some time. [url=]dimitar berbatov[/url] The current home games Manchester United shirt is red with a vertical, white stripe on the reverse. A patch with the words "The Red Devils" on a picture of the club's famous devil mascot is sewn onto to the bottom-left of the jersey. By contrast, the away shirt in use today is white with blue piping at the edges. It has red trim on the neck and the club emblem is on a white background on the left breast. The club emblem is pictured on a white background shield situated on the left breast. The emblem has been altered through the years but was originally designed based on the crest of the City of Manchester. One day Matt Busby was watching a local rugby team in Salford and was impressed by their flair and adventure on the pitch. When he discovered their nickname was "The Red Devils" he decided to attach it to his Manchester United team.
Anónimo, at junio 10, 2010 8:55 p. m.
Real Madrid had opportunities in the first half to set the score 2-0, but the players were unable to score. Kaka, Ronaldo, and Higuain were all close but were unable to complete. The closest was the play made by Higuain at minute 25, when he skipped by the defense and passed Lloris to make an incredible shot – but the ball crashed into the near post, denying the Spanish team a second goal. [url=]real madrid official website[/url] This worked for Zaragoza, but they had to quit their offensive attack to take care of their defensive lines to prevent the Meringues’ attempts. This meant that Manuel Pellegrini’s team had more difficulties creating chances to score until minute 27, when it enjoyed a double opportunity with an accurate attempt from Raul Gonzalez, which hit the post, and then the subsequent shot from Ronaldo, which Czech Jiri Jarosik saved as the ball approached the net.
Minutes later, however, the Argentine Nicolas Young suffered a twist in his right knee, forcing him to retire from the game with seconds left in the first half. With the injury, the half ended at 2-0. [url=]cristiano ronaldo[/url] The team gave a great performance on Tuesday, playing an offensive game and demonstrating why Barcelona and its players are considered the best in Europe. Barca opened the score only 20 minutes after the game began with the newly acquired Swede Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Ibra had another opportunity to score after a pass from Messi but the ball crashed against the post.
Anónimo, at junio 11, 2010 5:49 a. m.
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Ideas on How to satisfy Ladies in the Shopping mall
If you , yourself are a single guy and aren't the most desirable at obtaining a great deal of much less meeting girls and are questioning exactly where you could head to obtain and connect with a girl, then these ten acceptable suggestions on how to fulfill a gal at the shopping mall, might come in mighty handy.
1 - Go to the foods court. Feel it or not, the food court will be the absolute optimum location in the mall to fulfill a toddler. Here's what you do. Pick a food area and get in line for the meal. Though you will be in line, glance all around the area just where all people is sitting and eating. Glimpse for the chick sitting alone, as well as two women sitting down together. When you may have your meal in hand, walk more than to where by she or they're just sitting down and request if you are able to join them. If you're trustworthy and straightforward with them, your probabilities are quite effective.
2- Do some thinking. Previous to you even consider proceeding on the shopping mall to satisfy a young girl, sit oneself down and do some really serious considering. Look into how you may satisfy a chick and what you can say to her if you're the one productive. Take into account which parts of the local mall you would pay a visit to. Also, you are planning to need to obtain anything even while there, what do you'll need? At long last, ponder what meeting a toddler inside a public location entails. Absolutely you'll be required to appear to get a wedding ring ahead of speaking to some young lady, and you can expect to need to start thinking about if it is wiser to speak with a young girl alone or a person who's with other people. In conclusion, you can expect to have being reasonable about your own age as well as the ages of a young girl you would like to satisfy. As in, you will really have to inform oneself to be sensible and do not try out to fulfill women which might be a whole lot younger or older than you may be, or that start looking out of the league.
3 - Request be of assistance. When you were as a final point with the shopping mall, an individual among the techniques to fulfill girls is by asking them for enable. Women know that guys have no plan what they can be executing when they are shopping, so asking for be of assistance won't appear such a ridiculous concept. Ask for guide in picking out a jacket for your own self for example. Engaging in so let's the woman know which you are single. If she agrees to help you, consult her other questions as you grab many jackets to test on.
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